Friday, June 10, 2016

Pride Goeth Before the Fall

This week in my marriage class we discussed the importance of humility in marriage, and allowing our spouse to influence us. I had the opportunity to read an awesome talk by Ezra Taft Benson that I hadn't read for years. If you have never read it, or haven't read it for a long time, I highly recommend it! This talk was a reminder of how pride can destroy our relationships and halt our eternal progression. I thought a lot about times when I have been prideful in my relationship with my husband, and missed opportunities to be influenced by the Holy Ghost.

This past weekend we attended a family reunion, and one seemingly small interaction between my father in law and his wife was particularly significant for me. (For a bit of background, I am often guilty of engaging in heated discussions with my husband over miscommunications. He will claim that he did or didn't say something to me, and I will fight to the death to prove that he is wrong and that I have a perfect recollection of every conversation). We were loading all the cars to travel together to a remote area, and there was a fair amount of tension in the air as we were trying not to forget anything. My mother in law made a simple suggestion to my father in law, and he rejected her idea (it's likely he misunderstood). A few minutes later, he made a strikingly similar suggestion, and when she pointed out that he had vetoed the same idea moments before, he angrily claimed to have done no such thing. Here's the important part: my mother in law certainly could have been offended by his tone, and he was absolutely in the wrong with his claim. In the same circumstance I probably would have started a battle. However, she just said, "Okay" and moved on. She exhibited humility and self control, and was an awesome example to me!

I thought of that interchange as I read this quote from President Benson's talk:

"Another face of pride is contention. Arguments, fights, unrighteous dominion, generation gaps, divorces, spouse abuse, riots, and disturbances all fall into this category of pride.

Contention in our families drives the Spirit of the Lord away. It also drives many of our family members away."

I am going to work extra hard this week to follow the example of my mother in law and avoid contention in my home. I recognize that the source of much of the contention in my marriage is a result of my own pride. Focusing on being humble and teachable will help me to be a better wife and mother, as well as having a positive influence on every relationship in my life. Increasing my faith will allow me to succeed. Wish me luck!

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